Flower Essences for Lovers
If you are not familiar with the amazing healing modality that is Flower Essences, let me tell you they are one of my favorite ways to work with plants. It allows you to connect with the energetic power of nature in a fulfilling and safe way that brings real transformation. So continuing our love theme today I offer you Flower Essences for Lovers.
I wrote about how flower essences had helped me in my own healing journey here. For more information about Flower Essences I recommend the Flower Essence Society. In their book The Flower Essence Repertory they say–
The action of flower essences can be compared to the effects we experience from hearing a particularly moving piece of music, or seeing an inspirational work of art. The light or sound waves which reach our senses may evoke profound feelings in our soul, which indirectly affect our breathing, pulse rate, and other physical states. These patterns do not impact us by direct physical or chemical intervention in our bodies. Rather, it is the contour and arrangement of the light or sound which awakens an experience within our own soul similar to that which arose within the soul of the creator of musical or art form. This is the phenomenon of resonance, as when a guitar string sounds when a matching note is sung. In a similar way, the specific structure and shape of the life forces conveyed by each flower essences resonate with, and awaken, particular qualities within the human soul.
Relationships require a lot of us. Resonance with our own true self and our partner is key to a fulfilling relationship. While often rewarding and soul changing they can also be life shattering. I recommend you begin your love journey reading Valentine’s Relationship Advice from the Herbalist. Next you are ready to delve into the amazing world of healing through plants.
Flower Essences are available for purchase at most health food stores (especially Rescue Remedy) and on line. You can also make your own. I give instructions on how to make flower essences as part of my course Herbs for Health: A Beginners Guide.
Below is a list of some of my favorites for Lovers.
Baby Blue Eyes

Baby Blue Eyes, Nemophila menziesii
Communication and Self-Accpetance should be the top priorities in relationship health. Baby Blue Eyes encourages you to see the goodness in yourself and the world at large, allowing you to let down your guard and trust not only you but your partner.

Sunflower, Helianthus spps
When in a relationship it is important for you to not only accept yourself, but you also need to be able to balance your self acceptance with your ego. According to the Flower Essence Repertory Sunflower helps you to balance, “positive self-image and honest self-examination.”

Heather, Calluna vulgaris
Heather helps you to allow space and love to really hear the “deeper meaning of another’s words.” Love heals a lot and opens our heart through understanding. Heather will help you open your heart and the line of communication between you and your partner.

Calendula, Calendula officialis
Calendula, “imparts a warm, golden light of healing. . .Calendula gives great forces of warmth and benign compassion to the human soul.” (Reperatory) When communicating it is important to not only clearly say what you mean but to listen to what the other person is saying. Calendula helps you to have “sensitivity to the meaning of the other person’s words; warmth and healing in interpersonal communications.”

Larch, Larix spps. (note this is actually a tree)
Gives confidence not only in yourself and your ability to understand who you are and what you have to offer the relationship and the world at large but also gives you confidence in your relationshp and partner, manifesting a positive outcome that will produce a postive wave of love flowing outward.
Rescue Remedy
Rescue Remedy
This is a classic first add Remedy, designed to offer immediate relief and potential for healing. In any relationship there is the need to have a immediate help available. I recommend that you have this go to remedy available for any hurts that cannot be immediately addressed to give you time to get to the heart of the matter.
There are literally hundreds of Flower Essences. These are just a small selection of my personal picks for lovers. I hope they nourish you as you grow an amazing relationship. For a description of how to mix and take flower essences go to the Bach Flower Essences website.