The Return of the Swans

It was just about this time of year in 2012. We had just moved to our dream home. At the time my then 3 year-old daughter called it “our imaginary home.” I asked her what she meant and she said, “Well we imagined it, now we have it.”
We were out exploring our new “neighborhood” and found the St. Croix River at the end of our road. As we began walking along the river we came across a small flock of swans. I had never seen swans in the wild before and the sight took my breath away. My eyes filled and I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey we are on.
Every year now I look forward to the swans coming back. I know where to look for them now and we try not to disturb them but sometimes you just want to be closer to all that majesty.

This year the swans are even more poignant. They are back, I have seen them. The majesty and beauty of life are here for us if we look for it. Sometimes you are lucky. I feel incredibly lucky, but it was also a tremendous amount of hard work to bring myself home.
I hope you have started the journey to come home, to find your authentic self. It is difficult, hard, incredibly worthwhile and rewarding work. But every time I think about those swans I am inspired by the beautiful little synchronicities that appear in our path to show us we are moving in the right direction.

Journal prompts:
In what ways have you felt like the ugly duckling, not sure of who or what you are?
How can you release and embrace your majesty?
How can you create an action plan to notice the synchronicities in your life that are guiding you on your path?