Energetics of March
Energy is everywhere. It is a mathematical idea as in E=MC squared. But it is also something deep in the core of us that communicates connection–connection to our homes, the seasons, the community we are sharing this passage of time with.
As I grow and change I am noticing how the different energies of our seasons communicate health to us. When we are in flow with the natural energy all around us we can harness that energy to promote a larger wellness.
So what energetics might you be experiencing in this new month of March? Note: I am writing this from the perspective of March in a northern climate.
Shifting Energy
In astrology this is referred to as mutable, as in the season is shifting from one to another, in this case winter to spring. We are in the last month of what is traditionally referred to as the winter season. Already you are likely to be experiencing some warmer then normal days included in a wintery mix. These days make you want to be outside. They give you energy to get out and get moving. Then the next day a snow storm. You still have the energy of wanting to be up and moving so why not harness that energy into an indoor project like cleaning out a closet or culling unnecessary objects to creating a materially lighter transition to a new season.

Water Energy
Water comes in many different forms. In the month of March water is shifting from snow back to its more natural fluid element. In nature there are some big shifts associated with water also like the sap starting to run in the trees. This is the season of the “The Sugar Moon.” It refers to the sap in Maple (and also Birch) trees that were tapped for maple syrup and sugar, hence “Sugar Moon.” While some areas and some years may experience “the Sugar Moon” in February, March is a more solid bet. It was during this month when our ancient ancestors began to shift from surviving on their stores of food to creating stores for the next year. Another energetic shift.

Awakening Emotions
While the winter is a time of hibernation that refuels our body, mind and spirit, we are now ready to “soften-open-release.” (Source: Gigi Stafne). All around us this energy is bringing a vital surge of expectancy. But in patience is also joy. The sweetness of this season is just beginning.
In my northern home it is not uncommon to see people outside in shorts and sandals as soon as the temperature hits 40 degrees. Children go outside and come in wet, not the damp snow wet, but the soaking spring wet. It is still important that we are feeding our body fortifying foods like whole grains, root vegetables and teas from last year’s herbs. Foods associated with the water element would be a good choice. Warmth should not be shunned and utmost care should be taken to stay healthfully hydrated.

By honoring the shifts in energy we are experiencing we can bring clarity to our own actions and also grace. Times of abundance are coming.