My Healing Journey with Flower Essences
Flower Essences are powerful yet safe energetic medicine. Many of our health issues actually begin with imbalances in our mind. In this post I share my Healing Journey with Flower Essences and why you should try flower essences is your own health journey.
It was a couple of years ago that I realized I needed to evaluate my life. Things were not going well for our family. Financially we were struggling. My husband was working overtime to make ends meet. We were trying to get a farm off the ground. My in-laws were living with us. I was raising and homeschooling 7 kids (we have added 2 since then). To top it all off my husband’s brother had just passed away in a tragic accident. I was taking care of everyone but myself. My journey back began with plants. I write about the herbalism portion of my journey here.
One of the first herbalism classes I took was “Herbal Winter Medicine Chest” with Angela Campbell of Flora and Stone. The information was helpful and a jar of homemade elderberry syrup is now always in my frig. I connected with Angela and over the lunch breaks we started talking about her work.
I sought out her website and found that she offered a sliding fee scale. It was her belief that everyone should have access to this form of healing. So I booked a reiki and flower essences appointment with her.

I was blown away by the results. I left the consult with a flower essence blend tailored for me and a sense of well being.
Barbara Olive says in her book Flower Essences for Well-Being
“To truly understand how flower essences work requires an acceptance that we are more than just a physical body, that we also incorporate an ‘body’ of life energy–a life force–a ‘body’ of sensitivity and feelings and a spiritual essence. Flower essences are the energetic imprints of the life force of plants, which interact with these subtle bodies of ours and have an effect upon us. . .Energy all around us vibrates; we just have to find the right pitch, and the body, mind, and emotion will work in harmony.

I began studying more about flower essences and discovered that Dr. Edward Bach had pioneered the theory in Europe during the 1930s–the time between the World Wars. He had seen so much pain and destruction and knew a new form of treatment would be required. He started out with 38 remedies–The Original Bach Flower Essences–that are still being used today. Others have experimented with knew essences and several organizations have sprang up including Australian Bush Flower Essences and The Flower Essence Society.
I purchased my own kit of Bach Flower Essences and can now mix my own custom blends. I have also made some of my own. They are safe to use on both children and pets. It was actually a geriatric cat that needed help with the transition that I originally worked with on my own. As my health has improved I haven’t had to use them daily for myself anymore but Rescue Remedy is still my go to for sudden stress and I love the pastilles version.

If your Intuition is telling you that flower essences might be a right fit I suggest finding a flower essence practitioner in your area or consider booking a consult with me.
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