Flower Essences for Personal Growth
I wrote about how flower essences had helped me in my own healing journey here. For more information about Flower Essences I recommend the Flower Essence Society. In their book The Flower Essence Repertory they say–
The action of flower essences can be compared to the effects we experience from hearing a particularly moving piece of music, or seeing an inspirational work of art. The light or sound waves which reach our senses may evoke profound feelings in our soul, which indirectly affect our breathing, pulse rate, and other physical states. These patterns do not impact us by direct physical or chemical intervention in our bodies. Rather, it is the contour and arrangement of the light or sound which awakens an experience within our own soul similar to that which arose within the soul of the creator of musical or art form. This is the phenomenon of resonance, as when a guitar string sounds when a matching note is sung. In a similar way, the specific structure and shape of the life forces conveyed by each flower essences resonate with, and awaken, particular qualities within the human soul.
So when you are in the process of personal/spiritual growth there are some flower essences that are particularly suited to the resonance needed at this time. Here are my top 5 flower essences for personal growth.
Rock Rose

Rock Rose, Helianthemum nummularium
Is a personal favorite of mine. I think I have used it in most of my mixtures. This is one of the original Bach Flower Essences. It is natural to feel fearful as you work to discover who you really are. You may fear rejection or even discovering your own shadow side. This remedy will help you have courage as you work. It will also help you become grounded in your true self.

Cosmos, Cosmos bipinnatus
As you learn more about yourself it will be important for you to incorporate new ideas into your overall vision. This will likely be higher spiritual ideas that may be unfamiliar to you. “Cosmos harmonizes the thinking and speaking patterns with the higher soul functions, so that the true spirit can shine forth from the personality.” (Repertory)

Centaury, Centaurium erythraea
This initial period of growth can be intense and you will need to make space for expansion. When you let yourself get run down in serving others their is no energy left for necessary soul work. Centaury helps you to say no when it is appropriate. “Serving others from inner strength, while nourishing one’s own needs; acting from strength of inner purpose.” This helps you “assume greater self-awareness and self-responsibility.” (Repertory) This is also one of the original Bach Flower Essences.

Calendula, Calendula officialis
Calendula, “imparts a warm, golden light of healing. . .Calendula gives great forces of warmth and benign compassion to the human soul.” (Reperatory) Perhaps part of your journey will involve written communication either through journaling or sharing your thoughts with others. Calendula helps us integrate and explain what we have been learning.

Goldrenrod, Solidago spp.
Goldenrod is one of my all time favorite plants. It was one of the first plants I was officially introduced to and grows abundantly on my property. The bees love it and I often dry and powder it to add to energy balls and for allergy support. According to the Flower Essence Society goldenrod brings a “strong and secure sense of individuality, balanced with group or social consciousness. . . the soul acquires greater strength and inner conviction, learning to successfully balance the polarities of Self and Other.” I know in my own journey there came a time when I had to leave some of the communities that my identity had been tied up in. That doesn’t mean that I am not able to socialize or enjoy this community but I had to leave for awhile to gain a better sense of self. Goldenrod helps you with this.
Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum umbellatum
Patricia Kaminski, author of The Flower Essence Repertory, sums it up perfectly, “unity with deepest part of the Self; sense of inner divinity and wholeness.” This is of the original Bach Flower Essences. It “is a deeply restorative remedy, with calm, soothing properties for people who have experienced shock or trauma. It is particularly helpful for individuals who have never adequately addressed a disturbance from the past.” Often our True Self has been wounded by our past. It goes into hiding and we live a façade. Star of Bethlehem will help heal this old wounds so that we can embrace our “inner divinity.”
There are literally hundreds of Flower Essences. These are just a small selection of my personal picks for personal growth. I hope they nourish you as you grow. For a description of how to mix and take flower essences go to the Bach Flower Essences website.