Aromatherapy for Grounding
When I speak of grounding I am talking about the feeling of being connected with your whole being. This includes your body. Think about the feeling of being comfortably held. Of just having a good meal and being completely content. It is the joy of connection embodied. For this post I share with you some of my favorite essential oils for grounding. Yes Aromatherapy for grounding.
How Aromatherapy works
I love aromatherapy. While it has been around since ancient times the modern essential oil movement has really taken aromatherapy to a whole new level. The Mayo clinic says–
Aromatherapy is thought to work by stimulating smell receptors in the nose, which then send messages through the nervous system to the limbic system — the part of the brain that controls emotions. Many essential oils have been shown to be safe when used as directed.
Note: Essential oils are very concentrated (and powerful) plant medicines. They should not be taken lightly. Huge amounts of plant material go into making essential oils. In most cases the more expensive the oil the more plant matter needed. Use with respect for the powerful medicine they are.

Known as the herb for “fussy babies of all ages,” this herb helps give you the feeling of being held and cared for that all babies crave. I know when I am sick I want my mom. For my own children I see it in their eyes as they start melting down and need the grounding energy of a hug. Think of this herb as a hug in a cup (or sniff)
This herb can be used as a tea in addition to an essential oil. Use alone or create your blend with this easy to use oil.
Note: There are 2 varieties of Chamomile used–Roman and German. Either will work in this case.
The quintessential calming herb, Lavender just makes you feel great. I would definitely say it is both calming and stimulating. It makes you feel like you have energy to tackle what you have coming at you. t helps you clear your mind so that you can breathe. Breathing is also great for grounding. All around this is a great oil to have in your arsenal.
Lavender is also one of the easiest to find essential oils, though do try to find a high quality oil. Because lavender is so popular you might run in to lower quality oils. Stay away from anything that says “fragrance oil.”

Associated with the heart, Rose is also about connection. When we are connected we are naturally grounded, this connection begins with our own body and experience.
Often times grounding requires us to engage in some re-parenting work. In re-parenting you work with inner child and work to give yourself the love that you wish you would have had as a child. Rose helps us get to the heart of the matter. Take your inner child in your arms. Let the heart guide you.
Note: Rose is a very expensive essential oil. Rose Absolute oil is a cheaper version and acceptable in this case.

This towering tree actually helps bring us back to our center. Up to this point we have been working with flowers, but trees also teach us something about grounding. Trees need to have roots to keep it upright. Sometimes when we need grounding we really need to lay down roots so that we can stand tall. The scent of spruce helps us do that.
Note: for those of you whose ancestors come from northern climates this is also a great herb to help you connect with your ancestry.


This is the only plant on this list that I am not familiar with. The tree comes from India and it is the wood itself that is used to make essential oil. This oil helps us think more clearly by relaxing and calming. It is also an aphrodisiac, probably because you feel better. I also feel that this an oil that gives a sense of luxury–another way we feel cared for.
For people whose ancestry hail from this part of the world Sandalwood can be especially grounding.
How to Use Essential Oils
Essential oils MUST be diluted! Because of the highly concentrated nature of Essential Oils use must dilute them to be able to safely use them directly on your skin.
- Rollerball with carrier oil
- 1-2 drops on a cotton ball or tissue
- Diffuser
- Diffuser jewelry like this bracelet
Where to Source Essential Oils
Always pick the highest quality oils that you can afford. I like to look for companies that are already associated with plants. My Favorite place to source Essential Oils is Mountain Rose Herbs. You can also find Essential Oils at a lot of local stores though I would start looking at your Natural Food Coop.