Energetics of April/Ostara
How does the energy we are experiencing in April differ from March? Note: I am writing this from the perspective of March in a northern climate.
Energy is everywhere. It is a mathematical idea as in E=MC squared. But it is also something deep in the core of us that communicates connection–connection to our homes, the seasons, the community we are sharing this passage of time with.
As I grow and change I am noticing how the different energies of our seasons communicate health to us. When we are in flow with the natural energy all around us we can harness that energy to promote a larger wellness.

Energy of Beginning
In astrology this is referred to as cardinal, as in the beginning of a new season, in this case spring. Once you get to April it is pretty hard to deny the seasonal shift. Sure we might still have cold days, where I live those days might even include snow, but the beginning is fully here. April also starts the yearly zodiac calendar and other cultures such as my husband’s Cambodian culture mark the beginning of the year in April.
Here on our land it is the beginning of seeds and baby animals. More and more the outside calls us until at the end of the month, whole days can be spent out of doors in glorious green, under a blue sky.
At the beginning of the month it would be good to plan out the top priorities of outdoor projects to prepare for the warm half of the year.
Fire Energy
In many ways fire is as necessary to growth and healing as water. Often though we tend to focus on the destructive power of fire. This is the time of the Spring Equinox, when night and day are equal in length. From now until the solstice the sun will rule more and more of the day. The fire energy is literally growing, warming and nurturing all of the young life.

This is the season of the “full pink moon,” a time of reflection and honoring the inner intuition. I would guess that in ancient times those that had survived the winter would have much to reflect on as they honor the cycles of life and prepare for the new cycle.
Pure Energy
Living in Minnesota there is nothing quite like the positive energy that comes with the return of warmth. It hits 40 degrees and shorts and sandals come out, but more than that the mood of the whole community shifts, sometimes in just a day. Joy and excitement are palpable. It is impossible to deny that this time of year just feels amazing.
After a year of living in doors it is important to prepare your body for outdoor living. Luckily nature provides you with lots of fresh, green wild plants, to help fortify and build up the body after living the winter on storage crops. A daily salad of fresh greens with garlic and a simply dressing of olive oil and vinegar to help your body fight off seasonal dangers, such as lyme and other co-infections.